
Healing & Aftercare

Thanks for trusting me with your tattoo! Now it is your responsibility to take good care of it during the healing process. Here is some helpful information:


After completing your tattoo, I apply a second skin film that provides a moist healing environment during the initial and most critical healing stage. The film creates are breathable, waterproof, and antibacterial barrier that will lead to a reduced risk of infection and less scabbing.

Keep the film on for two to three days. 

The tattoo will emit blood plasma and excess ink during this time. This is totally normal. You can take showers while the film is still on, but keep them relatively quick. If bubbles of ink/blood appear under the film, do not cut into the film to release it. 

If for some reason the film begins to fall off and it doesn't stick to your skin, remove the film and proceed with washing as described below.


After 2-3 days, remove the film while you are in the shower. Make sure that your hands and the surrounding skin are clean before removing the film. Take one corner, and slowly peel the film off. It is fine to let the water continue to wash over the tattoo while you are completing this step. It may hurt. This is normal. 

Once the film has been removed (still in the shower) it is very important to immediately clean the tattoo. 


Use natural soap. I recommend Dr. Bronner’s, although any natural and gentle soap will work fine. Use your flat palm/fingers to rub the tattoo and get a good lather going. The ink is not going anywhere at this point and you shouldn’t rub vigorously as soon as it starts to scab and dry out, so use the opportunity to make sure that the tattoo is extra clean. Rinse thoroughly, and repeat 2-3 times.

While drying the tattoo, lightly pat the area with a clean towel, then leave it to air dry. This is how you should dry your tattoo for the next 2-3 weeks.

At this point you need to apply cream to keep the skin supple. I use Eucerin products on my own tattoos, however, any gentle and natural cream will work (a good indicator is that it doesn’t have any funky perfume or added color in it).


For the first week, wash your tattoo 2-3 times a day. Keep in mind that these washes should be very gentle, unlike the first wash. Water, natural soap, thorough rinse, and pat/air dry.

When applying cream, use your best judgement to not use too much. The tattoo is like an open wound, and we don’t want to drown it in cream and make the scabs get soggy and fall off. A thin layer of whatever cream you are using is enough.

Keep in mind that it is possible that the tattoo won't scab, especially if you left the film on for three days. This is totally fine. If this is the case you still need to be careful while healing your tattoo.

For the second week, wash once a day and apply cream as needed. The tattoo will start to itch. This is a good time to apply cream.

ABSOLUTE NO-NOs until your tattoo is healed:

No scratching (you can slap your skin instead)

No picking scabs

No swimming

No sauna

No natural pools

No long showers

No baths

No sun bathing

No intense friction on the tattooed area

No excessive sweating (for the first few days)

No clothing that will agitate the tattooed area (for example, if you have a tattoo on your thigh, wait a few days at least until wearing your tight jeans)

As a good rule overall: Be gentle and considerate with your tattoo. Our body does an amazing job of healing itself but it needs the right conditions to do so. You will know that your tattoo is healed when the inked skin is smooth and feels the same as the surrounding skin (no bumps, no scabs, etc.).

IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS, SEND ME AN EMAIL. Please don’t trust google or facebook groups to get reliable information. It is always best to contact your artist directly. 

And lastly, please send me a picture of your tattoo when it is healed! I would love to see it. Good luck!